At the prestigious “International Beer Challenge 2015”, held in London, the best beers from around the world were once again evaluated and awarded prizes.
Theresianer won the Bronze Medal with its Theresianer Vienna in a 0.33 l bottle, standing out from among the more than 630 beers competing from 30 countries.
A jury composed of professionals including master brewers, taste testers, importers, dealers and journalists from the sector, as well as expert tasters from Continental Europe, performed a blind tasting to compare the beers, which are of increasingly high quality. Jeff Evans, the President of the Jury, stated “It was a great year for the IBC, due not only to the number of beers entered but also the high standard of quality of these beers…”
The recognition of Theresianer Vienna – a distinctive beer that strikes a perfect balance between malt and hops and has a fresh delicate, flavour with fruity notes and hints of caramel – is an affirmation of the path focusing on quality and Italian taste that Theresianer has chosen.
The success that the company has achieved in the past few years is the result of continuous needs-based research and the expertise of the Theresianer staff.